Wednesday 23 February 2011

POSSIBLE PROPS...(for toilet)...

 here are the primary thoughts i had for a priliminary props list for TOILET LADY.....!

1)costume rail
3)costumes (as elaborate as poss?!)
4)the metal frill curtain stuff we've been talking about - be good to play with and see how reflective it is...
5)other pieces of 'mirror' - mirrored plastic - ? actually i might have something if u can't find
6)a few manekin heads with wigs and hats on
7)maybe we could make some 'old' black and white photo's of her glamed up(from 70's i spose) -?
8)a significant nice old clock (biggish) that ticks
9)an old style alarm clock that works - ! or maybe 2...(was thinking maybe layers of different ticking might be nice and also play with rythm and timing)
10)a simple tape player (could maybe borrow one axel has) - was thinking of also possibly using a recorded tape for 'sound ques' - voice over curtain call, for example - ?!
11)hand held vanity mirror (again, old and nice as poss - ?!)
12)lots of jewelry (to be worn and strewn everywhere)
13)a nice 'dressing' chair - feel she's probably seated at the main mirror when audience walk in
14)old paper cuttings of a few successful barbican plays from the 70's - maybe could find originals somewhere, photocopy them and distress a bit (i could do that if needed?!)
15)maybe also photograph of her parents (so couple lookin about 25 in the 40's/50's
16)any kind of crazy props that might have come from one of the plays that was successful in the 70's
17)ladies cigarette case
18)large false eyelashes (everyone would have been wearing them in those days-!)
19)some kind of weird mascot, but not sure what yet....!something called "mr.twinky" or somethin
20)bottle of gin - large - with slightly more old-style label
21)hip flask
22)dunno if its poss to get those backstage make-up lights that go in a row on either side-?! (would be cool if we could-!)
23)obviously lots of make-up - including loose powder with a big powder puff (can put on audience a bit with maybe less of a fuss)
24)box of chocolates (she's sent herself 'before the performance') - can also feed to audience and use as tool for luring them into getting involved - !!

possible added props for audience...

1)head scarves (same same but different)
2)clip-on earings or long strings of pearls
3) - was wondering if all wigs had to be same - ?could be dressed as different characters of hers- but spose if everyone else from the other tours are going to be the same, then better to keep exactly - dunno.....

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